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Author Archives: Erika Petty

The Legacy of Birdsall Services Group

Birdsall Services Group ( was founded in 1919 and the assets of BSG were recently purchased by Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. (Partner).   Birdsall Servicse Group (BSG, Birdsall) was an award-winning full-service engineering firm headquartered in Eatontown, New Jersey.   Ralph Orlando was named President of Birdsall Services Group in November of 2012 replacing the retiring…

CA Water Board’s Low-Threat UST Closure Policy

In California where environmental regulations are famously conservative, a policy went into effect last fall making it a little easier to close certain low-risk sites contaminated by leaking petroleum underground storage tanks.  Owners or responsible parties of these leaking UST sites should be aware of this program to see whether their site qualifies. Overview of the Low-Threat…

Multifamily still rockin’ and rollin’ at RealShare Apartments 2012

Last week’s RealShare Apartments conference in Los Angeles was the place to be for multifamily investors, lenders and brokers.  With almost 2,000 attendees, this was one of the best turnouts ever.  Enthusiasm continues to be high for multifamily properties, despite signs of a returning single-family housing market.  For example, while rent hikes could drive some…

Property Condition Assessment / Commercial Building Inspection Jobs

Looking for a job in engineering due diligence?   Partner Engineering and Science, Inc., one of the nation’s largest providers of Property Condition Reports, Commercial Building Inspections and Seismic Risk Assessments (Probable Maximum Loss Reports), is hiring experienced Engineers, Architects and Building Inspectors across the country. Partner as a corporate philosophy focuses first on hiring quality…

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Jobs

Looking for a job in environmental due diligence?   Partner Engineering and Science, Inc., the nation’s largest provider of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), is hiring experienced Environmental Professionals, Environmental Scientists, Geologists and Engineers across the country. Partner as a corporate philosophy focuses first on hiring quality people and second on geography, so while we…

Tony Talks Commercial Building Energy Audits

Tony Liou, president of our sister company Partner Energy, recently discussed energy efficiency and energy audits for commercial buildings on’s “The Science of Real Estate” blog.  Below is a recap of what he discussed:  An energy audit is often the first step in making your commercial building more efficient.  The goal of an energy…

2011 RealShare Apartments – Multifamily is Rockin’ and Rolling

The 2011 RealShare Apartments conference was a huge success with a noticeable increase in attendance and palpable optimism.  The multifamily market is booming, and signs indicate it will continue to do well for the foreseeable future. Multifamily Success Factors Optimism for the multifamily market stems from some significant trends tied to the bad economy, including:…

EDR ScoreKeeper – 2011 Trends in Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

I noticed in EDR ScoreKeeper’s Q1 2011 and Q2 2011 report that big consulting firms are growing at a larger rate than small firms.  Apparently lenders and real estate investors are increasingly choosing larger firms for their Phase I Environmental Site Assessments.   I spoke with two national lenders who said that they were trying to…

Environmental Due Diligence for Loan Work Outs

For lenders, conducting the appropriate level of pre-foreclosure environmental due diligence is crucial to managing the risk of lender-owned real estate portfolios.  Though the economy is on a tenuous path to recovery, commercial real estate foreclosures persist.  Lenders may be dealing with foreclosure backlogs for years to come. Partner’s Amy Rudegeair co-authored an award-winning article…

USDA Rural Development Due Diligence

USDA Rural Development Loan due diligence