Entry by JoeDerhake
What is the industry standard name for a Phase II? Candidate names: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Phase II Subsurface Investigation, Phase II Environmental Testing, Soil Testing? Does it even matter? Well, perhaps not much, but I think we are better off to use a common vocabulary.
According to ASTM E1903-97 (2002), Phase IIs are called, “Phase II Environmental Site Assessment “ and are conducted “to evaluate the recognized environmental conditions identified in the Phase I ESA or transaction screen process for the purpose of providing sufficient information regarding the nature and extent of contamination to assist in making informed business decisions about the property; and where applicable, providing the level of knowledge necessary to satisfy the innocent purchaser defense under CERCLA”.
I prefer the term Phase II Subsurface Investigation over Phase II Environmental Site Assessment as Phase I ESAs and Phase IIs are very different scope of work. I like to give simple definitions to clients: a Phase I ESA is basically all the reasonable research that you can do on a site; a Phase II is drilling holes in the ground.
Can asbestos testing, indoor air testing, or stormwater testing qualify as a Phase II? These activities are often done as a follow-up to a Phase I and I have seen these activities called a Phase II; however, I think no. Our clients would be mislead if we called these activities as Phase IIs—call them something else.
What do you think? Am I on the right track?