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Tag Archives: energy efficiency

Ready or Not, Chicago Energy Benchmarking Ordinance Requires Action in 2014!

Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.’s Bob Geiger and Joanne Choi discuss Chicago’s new benchmarking ordinance and the requirements for compliance. In September 2013, the Chicago City Council approved the Building Energy Use Benchmarking Ordinance in Chapter 18-4 of the Chicago Municipal Code.  The Chicago Energy Benchmarking Ordinance became effective on September 21, 2013 and requires building owners with over 50,000…

Preparing for the CALGreen Updates

California’s Green Building Standards, better known as CALGreen, is currently being updated to further advance green building practices. The updated code goes into effect on January 1, 2014. This means that all project construction documents submitted to the building department for plan checks on or before December 31, 2013 will be assessed under the current…

The LA Better Buildings Challenge – doing even better than we’d hoped!

The Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge (LABBC) has been overwhelmingly successful over its first 2 years and is set to easily surpass its original long term goal: to achieve 20% energy savings across 30 million square feet of existing commercial buildings in Los Angeles by 2020.  So now the LABBC is stepping it up a…