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Tag Archives: Environmental Questionnaire

Partner Spring Webinars

Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. is pleased to launch our spring webinar series. This series offers new and updated webinars that discuss commercial real estate trends, standards updates and changes as they affect the commercial real estate industry. Registration for all webinars is at no cost to industry professionals. Webinar Topics Include: The Essentials of Seismic Risk…

SBA SOP 5010 5 (E)- NAICS Codes for Environmentally Sensitive Industries

An Old Persian Proverb teaches that “One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it.”  By applying this lesson when reading through Appendix 4 of the current SBA SOP 5010 5 (E) the NAICS Codes of Environmentally Sensitive Industries, lenders can save their borrowers time and money. I’ve had many lenders…

Fannie Mae Form 4262

Fannie Mae has come out with an update to Form 4262.  Some of the changes that are now included is a seperate worksheet to “Insert Brochures or Documents.” To view the the worksheet go to Partner Engineering and Science’s Fannie Mae page.

Understanding SBA SOP 5010 5 (C)

Since the latest revision to SBA’s SOP 5010 5 (C), that came out in October 2010, I have been asked some reoccurring questions in regards to the Environmental Requirements on 504 and 7a loans. One of those reoccurring questions is when there is a NAICS Codes match does it mean that I will have to have…

SBA Reports

Entry by: Gary Reynolds So what report do you need for your 504 or 7a loan?  This depends on the current and past businesses that occupied your property.  SBA has created a NAICS codes list of “Environmentally Sensitive Industries”.  The type and depth of an environmental investigation to be performed varies with the risks of…