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Tag Archives: EPA

Heeding Green Advice

The benefits of green building and energy efficiency are real and increasingly want to be realized by commercial real estate investors and tenants alike.  Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.’s green retrofit of their new company headquarters in Los Angeles provided Partner with firsthand experience in realizing those benefits.  By undertaking this project, Partner is now…

Selection of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Vendor In North Carolina

When ordering a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in North Carolina, careful consideration should be given the credentials of the firm and their experience with similar property types. Partner Engineering and Science has been involved in more than 5,000 environmental site assessments in North Carolina covering a wide range of property types.

Environmental Professionals as Required by ASTM E1527 (3 Comments)

Entry by JoeDerhake Entry There has been much discussion about the creation of a national environmental professional registration system and having a new ASTM Standard to require that a ‘Registered’ Environmental Professional conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). I support such a requirement, as Environmental Professionals too often have to compete with either…

Are Gas Stations Taboo for lenders

My previous experience with gas stations comes from a regulatory standpoint where the focus for evaluating the USTs was compliance. Currently, as an environmental professional, the evaluation of a gas station for a lender, involves more than just compliance when performing a Phase I ESA on gas station. The Energy Act of 2005 required that…