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Tag Archives: Senario Expected Loss

EEL on a Vapor Encroachment Condition (VEC)

Expected Environmental Loss (EEL) on a Vapor Encroachment Condition (VEC)? Expected Environmental Loss is a term I coined and introduced on my previous blog post.   EEL is essentially the mean or expected loss that an owner will experience if they own a given asset with an associated recognized environmental condition (or Vapor Encroachment Condition, VEC).    The term…

Seismic Damageability Reports

Seismic Damageability Reports and Probable Maximum Loss Reports are terms that are used interchangeably in the engineering due diligence field. In both instances, engineers are engaged to quantify the amount of seismic risk associated with a building. Most engineers prepare reports according to ASTM E 2026-2007 guidelines.   While Probable Maximum Loss (PML) is by far the…