Communication is a powerful and positive marketing tool in real estate public relations. However, the mere act of communicating does not necessarily mean messages will be understood. Take for example the sage words of famed baseball manager Casey Stengel who addressing his team said, “Now all you fellows line up alphabetically by height.” Ineffective communication is its own form of Stengelese. Whether it’s the way you express your message or how you interpret what others say. Either way, the results are the same: frequent misunderstanding.
In real estate public relations, there are four mutually dependent elements to effective communication: The medium, audience, message and timing. This simple formula, often ignored by others, is at the foundation of everything we do.
Managed Media Relations
Media relations are more than mere publicity. Deriving real value requires knowing how to expertly manage the process, especially as the methods of information delivery continue to evolve. Fundamental to that success is addressing the needs of all those involved in the dialogue. It requires formulating the message and crystallizing it in a way so that it can be best understood; awareness of the needs and requirements of the great variety of platforms that have redefined the “media;” and recognizing that the way people receive their information has changed. Understanding this allows companies to enjoy managed exposure in targeted media and receive expert training and preparation for all types of interview situations.