Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. (Partner) hosted a webinar yesterday about Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) titled “a User’s Guide to Phase II Subsurface Investigations”.
It was presented by the company’s President Joe Derhake, and Technical Director of Phase II ESAs Kristine MacWilliams. “It’s essentially the 101 of Phase II ESAs” Joe said.
The seminar touched on various key issues and questions clients have when a Phase II ESA is recommended following the discovery of a REC: should Industrial Hygiene tests such as an asbestos survey, radon testing or vapor intrusion assessments be included? Do I need to be registered to an a Phase II ESA? Do results need to be reported to my local regulatory agency or the EPA? How do I use the data from the Phase II ESA to proceed with the real estate transaction? The seminar provided a practical discussion of these issues, and offered the opportunity for attendees the ask questions.
The public seminar, which was well-attended by real estate investors, lenders and developers, was part of Partner’s series of free industry webinars that discuss commercial real estate trends, standards updates and changes as they affect the industry. The next webinar is on August 20th, and will look at AB1103 – California’s Energy Disclosure Law that goes into effect on September 1.
To find out more about upcoming webinars, check out Partner’s website.