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Partner Continues Industry Education Efforts with New Due Diligence Series

Environmental and engineering due diligence in relation to real estate transactions often poses questions about how, when and why. As an industry leader in providing assessments, Partner had taken to task to also be industry leaders in educating the real estate industry on the When of ordering a report, the Whys, the Hows, and the effects of the report once received. After publishing three videos on the subject last year, What is a Phase I Environmental Report, What is a Seismic Probable Maximum Loss Report and What is a Property Condition Assessment, Partner received many requests from industry professionals for additional educational materials. In response, Partner has begun to release a new series on the Hows and Whys of environmental and engineering reports.

The first in this release is “Why a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report.” This short video is presented by Jenny Redlin, REA, long term industry professional and co-founder of Partner.

Stay tuned for additional releases!