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Category Archives: SBA Real Estate Finance

SBA Real Estate Finance

March 2015 Events

Start            End              Conference                              Location 1 5 ICBA National Convention Orlando, FL 2 4 CLRM Roundtable Phoenix, AZ 3 3 CREJ: Multifamily Owners and Managers Conference and Expo Englewood, CO 3…

How LEED Can Help You Qualify For SBA 504 Funding

The US Small Business Association (SBA) recently made some changes to its 504 Loan Program. The program, which offers loans with low down payments and low, fixed long-term interest rates, normally requires that borrowers have projects that will deliver certain public benefits such as job creation and a number of community development goals.  But, the…

Partner Spring Webinars

Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. is pleased to launch our spring webinar series. This series offers new and updated webinars that discuss commercial real estate trends, standards updates and changes as they affect the commercial real estate industry. Registration for all webinars is at no cost to industry professionals. Webinar Topics Include: The Essentials of Seismic Risk…

Property Condition Assessments and Reports

Engineering due diligence is an important part of the property transaction process. Like environmental due diligence, there are a variety of engineering due diligence products to assist in evaluating an asset. Engineering due diligence can provide a wealth of knowledge about the physical condition of a property. During a Property Condition Assessment, the building systems…

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments and Due Diligence 101

During the acquisition, refinance or foreclosure of a property, it is important to understand the asset’s potential environmental liability in order to protect your investment and to weigh the risks associate with that investment. This means making sure that there is no major environmental liability associated with the current or past use of the subject…

SBA SOP 5010 5 (E)- NAICS Codes for Environmentally Sensitive Industries

An Old Persian Proverb teaches that “One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it.”  By applying this lesson when reading through Appendix 4 of the current SBA SOP 5010 5 (E) the NAICS Codes of Environmentally Sensitive Industries, lenders can save their borrowers time and money. I’ve had many lenders…

Partner Continues Industry Education Efforts with New Due Diligence Series

Environmental and engineering due diligence in relation to real estate transactions often poses questions about how, when and why. As an industry leader in providing assessments, Partner had taken to task to also be industry leaders in educating the real estate industry on the When of ordering a report, the Whys, the Hows, and the…

Green Property Condition Assessment

Green Property Condition Assessments make dollars and sense.

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments – A Comprehensive Overview

A comprehensive overview of Phase I ESAs, their use and purpose, and the various types of Phase 1s required by different entities.