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Category Archives: Site Surveys (ALTA)

Site Surveys (ALTA)

A Quick Guide to Ordering an ALTA Survey

An ALTA Land Title Survey can be thought of as a pictorial representation of the title commitment or preliminary title report of the subject property. In essence, it’s a combination of a boundary survey, location survey, and title survey, showing improvements and encumbrances. The ALTA survey is an essential tool for all parties involved in a real estate transaction…

A Marriage That Will Last

The excitement over the corporate marriage between Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. and the former Birdsall Services Group (BSG) seems justified as the idea of the two working in tandem has quickly become a reality. Key Birdsall competencies are intact: Mechanical/electrical/plumbing (MEP) engineering design, construction services, energy and sustainability services, civil engineering and site survey services,…

Partner Spring Webinars

Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. is pleased to launch our spring webinar series. This series offers new and updated webinars that discuss commercial real estate trends, standards updates and changes as they affect the commercial real estate industry. Registration for all webinars is at no cost to industry professionals. Webinar Topics Include: The Essentials of Seismic Risk…

Partner Continues Industry Education Efforts with New Due Diligence Series

Environmental and engineering due diligence in relation to real estate transactions often poses questions about how, when and why. As an industry leader in providing assessments, Partner had taken to task to also be industry leaders in educating the real estate industry on the When of ordering a report, the Whys, the Hows, and the…

Real Estate Secured Lending – Gas Stations

Typically, when a lender is considering a real estate secured loan collateralized by a gas station, the environmental risk associated with the real estate can be a major factor in the lending decision.

Erosion Control for Construction Sites

When a construction project stops or delays, the developer and/or the lender is wise to take proactive steps to prevent erosion.   Once a site is cleared, graded, or any earthwork is completed, the site is more susceptible to erosion.  A pro active approach to maintaining the site and grading conditions is necessary to prevent added…

Risk Classification: Standard Practices?

As I mentioned in my first posting, I took a survey of the Environmental Bankers Association Membership as to what is and is not a recognized environmental condition.  The results were presented at the Environmental Bankers Association Conference in Utah on June 9th.   The survey results are posted on the EBA’s Website and my website…