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What Is Unique about Phase I ESAs in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma?

Phase I ESAs in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma are unique in a few ways. First, the state has a number of specific regulations that must be followed when conducting an ESA. These regulations include requirements for the scope of work, the types of records that must be reviewed, and the qualifications of the environmental professional who conducts the assessment.

Second, the geology of Oklahoma City can make it difficult to identify and assess environmental hazards. The city is located in a region with a high-water table, which can make it difficult to determine if contamination has migrated from the soil into groundwater. Additionally, the city’s history of industrial development has resulted in the presence of a variety of potential contaminants, including hazardous chemicals, petroleum products, and asbestos.

Finally, the cost of Phase I ESAs in Oklahoma City can be higher than in other parts of the country. This is due to the factors mentioned above, as well as the high demand for environmental services in the city.

Despite these challenges, Phase I ESAs are an important tool for protecting the environment and human health in Oklahoma City. By identifying and assessing environmental hazards, ESAs can help to prevent the spread of contamination and protect the public from exposure to harmful substances.

Here are some additional details about the unique aspects of Phase I ESAs in Oklahoma City:

  • Regulations: The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (OEQ) has a number of regulations that must be followed when conducting an ESA. These regulations are designed to ensure that ESAs are conducted in a comprehensive and consistent manner.
  • Geology: The geology of Oklahoma City can make it difficult to identify and assess environmental hazards. The city is located in a region with a high-water table, which can make it difficult to determine if contamination has migrated from the soil into groundwater. Additionally, the city’s history of industrial development has resulted in the presence of a variety of potential contaminants, including hazardous chemicals, petroleum products, and asbestos.
  • Cost: The cost of Phase I ESAs in Oklahoma City can be higher than in other parts of the country. This is due to the factors mentioned above, as well as the high demand for environmental services in the city.

Local experts share their understanding of what can affect Phase I ESAs in Oklahoma City:

  1. Large presence of historical oil and natural gas exploration, as well as current oil and gas drilling.
  2. Large areas of historical and current agricultural land use.
  3. Large presence of historical and current railway use that is tethered to large industrial operations.

If you are considering buying or selling a property in Oklahoma City, it is important to have a Phase I ESA conducted. This will help to protect you from environmental liability and ensure that you are aware of any potential hazards associated with the property. Hiring an experienced professional for your commercial real estate due diligence is important.